Robotic Process Automation (RPA)

RPA – An Investment, not a Cost!

AQM brings you the latest in automation through our Robotic Process Automation (RPA) Solutions. Whatever your industry or sector, we can help your organization’s smooth transition from manual, time consuming processes, to automated processes that execute jobs in a fraction of the time taken, and that too with outstanding accuracy! Our qualified team, will efficiently Design, Document, Develop BOTs and thoroughly Test them before roll-out – ensuring your teams’ productivity rises. Power your routine, repetitive tasks, by introducing RPA’s speed and accuracy into all your business processes, and positively impact your company’s bottom line.

Highlights of AQM’s RPA:

  • UI path COE
  • Available in SAAS Models
  • Assisted and Unassisted BOTs
  • Guaranteed ROI

RPA Implementation Methodology

RPA Implementation Strategy

Our 3 Step Approach will take you where you need to be in a time bound manner.

AQM’s RPA Implementation Architecture

AQM’s RPA Success Factors

Case Studies

I. BI Excel Process Automation

– Product Validation Process Automation

A joint venture between a leading Indian Financial Services Company, and one of the fastest growing Japanese Insurance Companies, gave rise to a modern technology-driven Insurance Player in India. The new company was looking for Product Validation Process Automation.


  • BI Excel
  • Web App


Business processes – both internal, and those related to the JV’s clients needed to be automated. It was vital that the company’s new products that were to be launched would have no glitches. The JV also needed to automate its High Volume Data Validation and Data Management Processes, and generate comprehensive and accurate reports.


  • Bug-free launch of its new products
  • In-depth Testing with all permutations and combinations
  • A short schedule for impact verification during Go-live
  • Multiple platform verification (exe, web) during Go-live


AQM’s RPA team, keenly aware of the time factor, focused on the core processes and set automation in place in the following areas:

  • Automated the Business Illustration Process
  • Automated the PDF Structure and Data Validation Processes
  • Automated the High Volume Input and Output Validation Process
  • Efficiently Set up an Automated Data Management System
  • Put in place detailed Automated Result Reporting Systems.

Tool Used: UI Path


  • The JV confidently launched its new products and continues to do so.
  • The automated processes ensure continuous execution of tasks, and early reporting of issues, making possible timely solutions.
  • The company experiences multi-platform assurance through integrated Regression Suite execution.

II. Holding & Reconciliation Process Automation

– Unattended Robot for Start of the Day Activities

A next generation Private Wealth Creation Platform was set up in September 2018, to cater to Indian High Net-worth Individuals (HNI) and UHNI clients. It intended to build client confidence by offering error-free systems using automation.


  • Excel-based Processes
  • Web App
  • Servers


The Wealth Creation Platform felt the dire need to transform its Excel Spreadsheet-based processes, to adopt automated processes, in order to live up to its goal of being a next-gen company. It needed to automate its Holding and Reconciliation Process, and further sought to set up unattended systems for its start of the day activities.


  • With HNI clients, there was no room for human errors that come from entering and collating data from multiple Excel Spreadsheets.
  • Removal of human dependencies was vital.
  • The start of the day activities needed to be made unmanned.
  • Turnaround time had to improve and be made more efficient.


AQM’s professional RPA team studied the various processes and risks involved at each stage; recommended areas where automation was needed, and efficiently executed automation for the following business processes, to align them with the company’s vision:

  • Automated the Audit Transaction Process
  • Automated the Reconciliation Process
  • Automated the Holding Process
  • Improved Data Management through automation, ensuring detailed and accurate reporting of results.
  • Developed Exception Handling and Reporting Systems.

Tool Used: UI Path


  • AQM’s Robot ensured stress-free, unmanned execution of start of the day and end of the day jobs.
  • A retry mechanism was implemented on encountering any exception.
  • Captcha was decoded and passed to the app at run time.

III. Limit Monitoring and Management Process

– Unattended ROBOT for Monitoring for Trading Hours

A Mumbai based Investment and Financial Services Company wanted to overhaul its Trading Activity Processes and progress to unattended Trading Limit Monitoring Systems.


  • Thick Client – Window based Exe


The Company sought to automate the execution of its Trading Hours Activities, in order to eliminate human intervention and the errors that came with it. The Limit Monitoring and Management Process was a key area that needed improvement. There was also a need for creating quick and accurate reports.


  • Human dependencies were to be removed.
  • Human errors encountered in increasing Trading Limits needed to be eliminated.
  • Response time required improvement in case of a breach in Trading Limit.
  • Continuous monitoring was essential.


AQM’s dedicated RPA team did a detailed review of the existing systems, and speedily determined and put in place automation for the following processes:

  • Automated the process to check the existing limits of traders.
  • Automated the process for increasing the limit to permissible levels.
  • Automated the Exception Scenario Communication Process.

Tool Used: UI Path


  • The Robot set up by AQM ensured unmanned execution of trading activities from morning to evening.
  • Retry mechanism was implemented on encountering any exception.
  • Efficient Work Log Creation and Reporting Systems were put in place.